
Single Cell Models

Izhikevich Model

In this first example, we are describing how to represent the Izhikevich model in NineML [Izhikevich2003]. The model is composed of single ComponentClass, containing a single Regime, subthresholdRegime, and two state variables, \(U\) & \(V\).

The ODEs defined for the Regime are:

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \frac{dV}{dt} &= 0.04*V*V + 5*V + 140.0 - U + i_{\mathrm{synapse}} + i_{\mathrm{injected}} \\ \frac{dU}{dt} &= a * ( b* V -U )\end{aligned}\end{split}\]

The ComponentClass has a single OnCondition transition, is triggered when \(V>theta\). When triggered, It causes an Event called spikeOutput to be emitted, and two StateAssignments to be made:

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} U &\leftarrow U + d \\ V &\leftarrow c\end{aligned}\end{split}\]

The target-regime of the OnCondition transition is not declared explicitly in the XML, implying that the target-regime is the same as the source-regime, i.e. subthresholdRegime.

The RegimeGraph is shown in Figure [fig:EX1_RegimeGraph]

RegimeGraph for the XML model in this section.

RegimeGraph for the XML model in this section.

Using this Abstraction Layer definition, as well as suitable parameters from the user layer; \(a=0.02, b=0.2, c=-65, d= 8, i_{\mathrm{injected}}= 5.0\), we can simulate this, giving output as shown in Figure [fig:Ex1_Output].

In Figure [fig:Ex1_Output], we can see the value of the StateVariable \(V\) over time. We can also see that when the value of \(V>theta\) triggers the condition, we emit a spike, and the StateAssignment of \(V \leftarrow c\) resets the value of \(V\). The corresponding Abstraction Layer XML description for this model is the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding='UTF-8'?>
<NineML xmlns="http://nineml.net/9ML/1.0"
    <ComponentClass name="IzhikevichCell">
        <Parameter name="a" dimension="per_time"/>
        <Parameter name="c" dimension="voltage"/>
        <Parameter name="b" dimension="per_voltage"/>
        <Parameter name="d" dimension="dimensionless"/>
        <Parameter name="theta" dimension="voltage"/>
        <Parameter name="iInj" dimension="current"/>
        <AnalogReducePort name="iSyn" operator="+" dimension="current"/>
        <AnalogSendPort name="V" dimension="voltage"/>
        <EventPort name="spikeOutput" mode="send"/>
            <StateVariable name="V" dimension="voltage"/>
            <StateVariable name="U" dimension="dimensionless"/>
            <Regime name="subthresholdRegime">
                <TimeDerivative variable="U">
                    <MathInline>a*(b*V - U)</MathInline>
                <TimeDerivative variable="V">
                        >(0.04*V*V/unitV + 5*V + (140.0 - U)*unitV + (iSyn + iInj)*unitR)/unitT</MathInline>
                        <MathInline>V &gt; theta </MathInline>
                    <StateAssignment variable="V" >
                    <StateAssignment variable="U" >
                    <OutputEvent port="spikeOutput" />
            <Constant name="unitV" units="V">1</Constant>
            <Constant name="unitR" units="Ohm">1</Constant>
            <Constant name="unitT" units="s">1</Constant>
    <Dimension name="voltage" m="1" l="2" t="-3" i="-1"/>
    <Dimension name="time" t="1"/>
    <Dimension name="current" i="1"/>
    <Dimension name="dimensionless"/>
    <Dimension name="resistance" m="1" l="2" t="-3" i="-2"/>
    <Dimension name="per_voltage" m="-1" l="-2" t="3" i="1"/>
    <Dimension name="per_time" t="-1"/>
    <Unit symbol="V" dimension="voltage"/>
    <Unit symbol="Ohm" dimension="resistance"/>
    <Unit symbol="s" dimension="time" power="1"/>

  User Layer description for the above example:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<NineML xmlns="http://nineml.net/9ML/1.0"
  <Component name="IzhikevichNeuron">
    <Definition url="http://nineml.net/9ML/1.0/catalog/neurons/izhikevichCell.xml"
    <Property name="theta" units="mV">
    <Property name="a" units="per_s">
    <Property name="b" units="per_V">
    <Property name="c" units="mV">
    <Property name="d" units="none">
  <Dimension name="voltage" m="1" l="2" t="-3" i="-1"/>
  <Dimension name="dimensionless"/>
  <Dimension name="per_time" t="-1"/>
  <Dimension name="per_voltage" m="-1" l="-2" t="3" i="1"/>
  <Unit symbol="mV" dimension="voltage" power="-3"/>
  <Unit symbol="per_V" dimension="per_voltage"/>
  <Unit symbol="per_s" dimension="per_time"/>
  <Unit symbol="none" dimension="dimensionless"/>

Here, we show the simulation results of this XML representation with an initial V=-60mV and U=0.

Result of simulating of the XML model in this section

Result of simulating of the XML model in this section

Leaky Integrate and Fire model

In this example, we build a representation of a integrate-and-fire neuron, with an attached input synapse [Abbott1999]. We have a single StateVariable, iaf_V. This time, the neuron has an absolute refractory period; which is implemented by using 2 regimes. RegularRegime & RefractoryRegime In RegularRegime, the neuron voltage evolves as:

\[\begin{aligned} \frac{d(iaf\_V)}{dt} = \frac{ iaf\_gl*( iaf\_vrest - iaf\_V ) + iaf\_ISyn+cobaExcit\_I} {iaf\_cm}\end{aligned}\]

In RefractoryRegime, the neuron voltage does not change in response to any input:

\[\begin{aligned} \frac{d(iaf\_V)}{dt} = 0\end{aligned}\]

In both Regimes, the synapses dynamics evolve as:

\[\begin{aligned} \frac{d(cobaExcit\_g)}{dt} = - \frac{cobaExcit\_g}{cobaExcit\_tau}\end{aligned}\]

The neuron has two EventPorts, iaf_spikeoutput is a send port, which sends events when the neuron fires, and cobaExcit_spikeinput is a recv port, which tells the attached synapse that it should ‘fire’. The neuron has 4 transitions, 2 OnEvent transitions and 2 OnCondition transitions. Two of the Transitions are triggered by cobaExcit_spikeinput events, which cause the conductance of the synapse to increase by an amount \(q\), These happen in both Regimes. The other OnConditions:

  • One is triggered the voltage being above threshold, which moves the component from RegularRegime to RefractoryRegime, sets V to the reset-voltage also emits a spike
  • The other is triggered by enough time having passed for the component to come out of the RefractoryRegime and move back to the RegularRegime

The corresponding Regime Graph is shown in Figure 5.

RegimeGraph for the XML model in this section

RegimeGraph for the XML model in this section

The resulting XML description for the Abstraction Layer is :

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<NineML xmlns="http://nineml.net/9ML/1.0"
  <ComponentClass name="IafCoba">
    <AnalogSendPort dimension="voltage" name="iaf_V" />
    <AnalogReducePort dimension="current" operator="+" name="iaf_ISyn" />
    <AnalogSendPort dimension="current" name="cobaExcit_I" />
    <EventSendPort name="iaf_spikeoutput"/>
    <EventReceivePort name="cobaExcit_spikeinput"/>
    <Parameter dimension="area" name="iaf_cm"/>
    <Parameter dimension="time" name="iaf_taurefrac"/>
    <Parameter dimension="conductanceDensity" name="iaf_gl"/>
    <Parameter dimension="voltage" name="iaf_vreset"/>
    <Parameter dimension="voltage" name="iaf_vrest"/>
    <Parameter dimension="voltage" name="iaf_vthresh"/>
    <Parameter dimension="time" name="cobaExcit_tau"/>
    <Parameter dimension="conductanceDensity" name="cobaExcit_q"/>
    <Parameter dimension="voltage" name="cobaExcit_vrev"/>
      <StateVariable dimension="voltage" name="iaf_V"/>
      <StateVariable dimension="time" name="iaf_tspike"/>
      <StateVariable dimension="conductanceDensity" name="cobaExcit_g"/>
      <Regime name="RefractoryRegime">
        <TimeDerivative variable="iaf_V">
        <TimeDerivative variable="cobaExcit_g">
        <OnEvent target_regime="RefractoryRegime" src_port="cobaExcit_spikeinput">
          <StateAssignment variable="cobaExcit_g">
        <OnCondition target_regime="RegularRegime">
            <MathInline>t &gt; iaf_tspike + iaf_taurefrac</MathInline>
      <Regime name="RegularRegime">
        <TimeDerivative variable="iaf_V">
          <MathInline>( iaf_gl*( iaf_vrest - iaf_V ) + iaf_ISyn+cobaExcit_I)/(iaf_cm)</MathInline>
        <TimeDerivative variable="cobaExcit_g">
        <OnEvent target_regime="RegularRegime" src_port="cobaExcit_spikeinput">
          <StateAssignment variable="cobaExcit_g">
        <OnCondition target_regime="RefractoryRegime">
          <StateAssignment variable="iaf_tspike">
          <StateAssignment variable="iaf_V">
          <OutputEvent port="iaf_spikeoutput"/>
            <MathInline>iaf_V &gt; iaf_vthresh</MathInline>
      <Alias name="cobaExcit_I">
  <Dimension name="time" t="1"/>
  <Dimension name="voltage" m="1" l="2" t="-3" i="-1"/>
  <Dimension name="conductanceDensity" m="-1" t="3" l="-2" i="2"/>
  <Dimension name="area" l="2"/>

The User Layer description for the above example:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<NineML xmlns="http://nineml.net/9ML/1.0"
  <Component name="IaFNeuron">
    <Definition url="http://nineml.net/catalog/neurons/IafCoba.9ml"
    <Property name="iaf_V" units="mV">
    <Property name="iaf_tspike" units="ms">
    <Property name="cobaExcit_g" units="mS">
    <Property name="iaf_cm" units="cm_square">
    <Property name="iaf_taurefrac" units="ms">
    <Property name="iaf_gl" units="mS">
    <Property name="iaf_vreset" units="mV">
    <Property name="iaf_vrest" units="mV">
    <Property name="iaf_vthresh" units="mV">
    <Property name="cobaExcit_tau" units="ms">
    <Property name="cobaExcit_q" units="ms">
    <Property name="cobaExcit_vrev" units="mV">
  <Dimension name="time" t="1"/>
  <Dimension name="voltage" m="1" l="2" t="-3" i="-1"/>
  <Dimension name="conductanceDensity" m="-1" t="3" l="-2" i="2"/>
  <Dimension name="area" l="2"/>
  <Unit symbol="mV" dimension="voltage" power="-3"/>
  <Unit symbol="ms" dimension="time" power="-3"/>
  <Unit symbol="cm_square" dimension="area" power="-4"/>
  <Unit symbol="mS" dimension="conductanceDensity" power="-3"/>

The simulation results is presented in Figure 6.


Result of simulating of the XML model in this section. cobaExcit_spikeinput is fed events from an external Poisson generator in this simulation

Network Models

COBA IAF Network example

This example is an implementation of Benchmark 1 from [Brette2009], which consists of a network of an excitatory and inhibitory IAF populations randomly connected with COBA synapses [Vogels2005]. The excitatory and inhibitory Population elements are created with 3,200 and 800 cells respectively. Both populations are then concatenated into a single Selection element, “AllNeurons”, which is used to randomly connect both populations to every other neuron in the network with a 2% probability.

The abstraction layer description of the IAF input neuron ComponentClass_is:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<NineML xmlns="http://nineml.net/9ML/1.0"
  <ComponentClass name="IaF">
    <AnalogSendPort dimension="voltage" name="iaf_V" />
    <AnalogReducePort dimension="current" operator="+" name="iaf_ISyn" />
    <EventSendPort name="iaf_spikeoutput"/>
    <Parameter dimension="area" name="iaf_cm"/>
    <Parameter dimension="time" name="iaf_taurefrac"/>
    <Parameter dimension="voltage" name="iaf_vreset"/>
    <Parameter dimension="voltage" name="iaf_vrest"/>
    <Parameter dimension="voltage" name="iaf_vthresh"/>
    <Parameter dimension="conductanceDensity" name="iaf_gl"/>
      <StateVariable dimension="voltage" name="iaf_V"/>
      <StateVariable dimension="time" name="iaf_tspike"/>
      <Regime name="RefractoryRegime">
        <TimeDerivative variable="iaf_V">
        <OnCondition target_regime="RegularRegime">
            <MathInline>t &gt; iaf_tspike + iaf_taurefrac</MathInline>
      <Regime name="RegularRegime">
        <TimeDerivative variable="iaf_V">
          <MathInline>( iaf_gl*( iaf_vrest - iaf_V ) + iaf_ISyn)/(iaf_cm)</MathInline>
        <OnCondition target_regime="RefractoryRegime">
          <StateAssignment variable="iaf_tspike">
          <StateAssignment variable="iaf_V">
          <OutputEvent port="iaf_spikeoutput"/>
            <MathInline>iaf_V &gt; iaf_vthresh</MathInline>
  <Dimension name="time" t="1"/>
  <Dimension name="voltage" m="1" l="2" t="-3" i="-1"/>
  <Dimension name="conductanceDensity" m="-1" t="3" l="-2" i="2"/>
  <Dimension name="area" l="2"/>

and the description of the COBA ComponentClass_is:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<NineML xmlns="http://nineml.net/9ML/1.0"
    <ComponentClass name="CoBa">
        <EventReceivePort name="coba_spikeinput"/>
        <AnalogReceivePort name="coba_vrev"/>
        <AnalogSendPort dimension="current" name="coba_I" />
        <Parameter dimension="time" name="coba_tau"/>
        <Parameter dimension="conductanceDensity" name="coba_q"/>
            <StateVariable dimension="conductanceDensity" name="coba_g"/>
            <Regime name="RegularRegime">
                <OnEvent target_regime="RegularRegime" src_port="coba_spikeinput">
                    <StateAssignment variable="coba_g">
                <TimeDerivative variable="coba_g">
            <Alias name="coba_I">
    <Dimension name="time" t="1"/>
    <Dimension name="voltage" m="1" l="2" t="-3" i="-1"/>
    <Dimension name="conductanceDensity" m="-1" t="3" l="-2" i="2"/>
    <Dimension name="area" l="2"/>

The cell Component are parameterized and connected together in the User Layer via Population, Selection and Projection elements:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<NineML xmlns="http://nineml.net/9ML/1.0"
  <Component name="IaFNeuron">
    <Definition url="./iaf.9ml"
    <Property name="iaf_V" units="mV">
    <Property name="iaf_tspike" units="ms">
    <Property name="iaf_cm" units="cm_square">
    <Property name="iaf_taurefrac" units="ms">
    <Property name="iaf_gl" units="mS">
    <Property name="iaf_vreset" units="mV">
    <Property name="iaf_vrest" units="mV">
    <Property name="iaf_vthresh" units="mV">
  <Component name="IaFSynapseExcitatory">
    <Definition url="./coba.9ml">CoBa</Definition>
    <Property name="coba_g" units="mS">
    <Property name="coba_tau" units="ms">
    <Property name="coba_q" units="ms">
    <Property name="coba_vrev" units="mV">
  <Component name="IaFSynapseInhibitory">
    <Definition url="./coba.xml">CoBa</Definition>
    <Property name="coba_g" units="mS">
    <Property name="coba_tau" units="ms">
    <Property name="coba_q" units="ms">
    <Property name="coba_vrev" units="mV">
  <Population name="Excitatory">
  <Population name="Inhibitory">
  <Selection name="AllNeurons">
        <Item index="0">Excitatory</Item>
        <Item index="1">Inhibitory</Item>
        <FromDestination sender="iaf_V" receiver="coba_vrev"/>
            <Definition url="http://nineml.net/9ML/1.0/catalog/connectionrules/Probabilistic.xml"
            <Property name="probability" units="unitless">
        <FromDestination sender="iaf_V" receiver="coba_vrev"/>
            <Definition url="http://nineml.net/9ML/1.0/catalog/connectionrules/Probabilistic.xml"
            <Property name="probability" units="unitless">
  <Unit symbol="mV" dimension="voltage" power="-3"/>
  <Unit symbol="ms" dimension="time" power="-3"/>
  <Unit symbol="cm_square" dimension="area" power="-4"/>
  <Unit symbol="mS" dimension="conductanceDensity" power="-3"/>
  <Unit name="unitless" dimension="dimensionless" power="0"/>
  <Dimension name="time" t="1"/>
  <Dimension name="voltage" m="1" l="2" t="-3" i="-1"/>
  <Dimension name="conductanceDensity" m="-1" t="3" l="-2" i="2"/>
  <Dimension name="area" l="2"/>
  <Dimension name="dimensionless"/>
[Abbott1999]Abbott, L.~F. (1999). Lapicque’s introduction of the integrate-and-fire model neuron (1907)}. Brain Research Bulletin, 50(99):303–304.
[Brette2009]Brette, R., Rudolph, M., Carnevale, T., Hines, M., Beeman, D., James, M., Diesmann, M., Morrison, A., Goodman, P.~H., Jr, F. C.~H., Zirpe, M., Natschl”{a}ger, T., Pecevski, D., Ermentrout, B., Djurfeldt, M., Lansner, A., Rochel, O., Vieville, T., Muller, E., Davison, A.~P., El, S., and Destexhe, A. (2009). Simulation of networks of spiking neurons: A review of tools and strategies. Journal of computational neuroscience, 23(3):349–398.
[Izhikevich2003]Izhikevich, E.~M. and Izhikevich, E.~M. (2003). Simple model of spiking neurons. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 14(6):1569–72.
[Vogels2005]Vogels, T.~P. and Abbott, L.~F. (2005). Signal Propagation and Logic Gating in Networks of Integrate-and-Fire Neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience, 25(46):10786 –10795.