User Layer

Components and Properties


Attribute Type/Format Required
name identifier yes
Children Multiplicity Required
[Definition,Prototype] singleton yes
Property set no

Component elements instantiate Abstraction Layer component classes by providing properties for each of the parameters defined the class. Each Component is linked to a ComponentClass class by a Definition element, which locates the component class. A Component that instantiates a ComponentClass directly must supply matching Property elements for each Parameter in the ComponentClass. Alternatively, a Component can inherit a ComponentClass and set of Property elements from an existing component by substituting the Definition for a Prototype element, which locates the reference Component. In this case, only the properties that differ from the reference component need to be specified.

Name attribute

Each Component requires a name attribute, which should be a valid and uniquely identify the Component from all other elements in the document scope.


Attribute Type/Format Required
url URL no
Body format Required yes

The Definition element establishes a link between a User Layer component and Abstraction Layer ComponentClass. This ComponentClass can be located either in the current document or in another file if a url attribute is provided.

Url attribute

If the ComponentClass referenced by the definition element is defined outside the current document, the url attribute specifies a URLfor the file which contains the ComponentClass definition. If the url attribute is omitted the ComponentClass is referenced from the current document.


The name of the ComponentClass to be referenced ComponentClass needs to be provided in the body of the Definition element.


Attribute Type/Format Required
url URL no
Body format Required yes

The Prototype element establishes a link to an existing User Layer Component, which defines the ComponentClass and default properties of the Component. The reference Component can be located either in the current document or in another file if a url attribute is provided.

Url attribute

If the prototype Component is defined outside the current file, the URL attribute specifies a URLfor the file which contains the prototype Component. If the url attribute is omitted the Component is referenced from the current document.


The name of the Component to be referenced Component needs to be provided in the body of the Prototype element.


Attribute Type/Format Required
name yes
units Unit.symbol yes
Children Multiplicity Required
[SingleValue,ArrayValue,ExternalArrayValue,RandomDistributionValue] singleton yes

Property elements provide values for the parameters defined in the ComponentClass of the Component. Their name attribute should match the name of the corresponding Parameter element in the ComponentClass. The Property should be provided units that match the dimensionality of the corresponding Parameter definition.

Name attribute

Each Property requires a name attribute. This should refer to the name of a Parameter in the corresponding ComponentClass of the Component.

Units attribute

Each Property element requires a units attribute. The units attribute specifies the units of the quantity and should refer to the name of a Unit element in the document scope. For a dimensionless units a Unit with no SI dimensions can be used. The SI dimensions of the Unit should match the SI dimensions of the corresponding Parameter.


“Dimensionless” parameters can be defined by referring to an empty Dimension object, i.e. one without any power or offset attributes


Attribute Type/Format Required
url URL no
Body format Required
*.name yes

Reference elements are used to locate User Layer elements in the document scope of the current separate documents. In most cases, User Layer elements (with the exception of Population elements supplied to Projection) can be specified inline, i.e. within the element they are required. However, it is often convenient to define a component in the document scope as this allows it to be reused at different places within the model. The url attribute can be used to reference a component in a separate document, potentially one published online in a public repository (e.g. ModelDB or Open Source Brain).

Url attribute

The url attribute specifies a URLfor the file which contains the User Layer element to be referenced. If the url attribute is omitted the element is referenced from the current document.


The name of the User Layer element to be referenced should be included in the body of the Reference element.


In NineML, “values” are arrays that implicitly grow to fill the size of the container (i.e. Population or Projection) they are located within. Values can be one of four types


Body format Required
integer yes

A SingleValue element represents an array filled with a single value.


Any valid numeric value in ANSI C89, including shorthand scientific notation e.g. 1e-5 (\(1\times10^{-5}\)).


Children Multiplicity Required
ArrayValueRow set no

ArrayValue elements are used to represent an explicit array of values. ArrayValue elements contain a set of ArrayValue_Row elements (i.e. unordered, since they are explicitly ordered by their index attribute) in hierarchical data formats (see Serialization). Since is significantly slower to parse than plain text and binary formats it is not recommended to use ArrayValue for large arrays, preferring ExternalArrayValue instead.


Attribute Type/Format Required
index integer yes
Body format Required
integer yes

ArrayValue_Row elements represent the numerical values of the explicit ArrayValue element.

Index attribute

The index attribute specifies the index of the ArrayValue_Row in the ArrayValue. It must be non-negative, unique amongst the set of ArrayValue_Row.index in the list, and the set of indices must be contiguous for a single ArrayValue.


Any valid numeric value in ANSI C89, including shorthand scientific notation e.g. 1e-5 (\(1\times10^{-5}\)).


The order of ArrayValue_Row elements within an ArrayValue element does not effect the interpreted order of the values in the array in keeping with the order non-specific design philosophy of NineML.


Attribute Type/Format Required
url URL yes
mimeType MIME type yes
columnName Data column name in external file yes

ExternalArrayValue elements are used to explicitly define large arrays of values. The array data are not stored within the hierarchical data format but more efficient text or binary HDF5 ( formats. As of version 1.0, the data in the external files are stored as dense float or integer arrays. However, sparse-array formats are planned for future versions.

The columnName attribute of the ExternalArrayValue elements allows multiple arrays of equal length (and therefore typically relating to the same container) to be stored in the same external file.

Url attribute

The url attribute specifies the URLof the external data file.

MimeType attribute

The mimetype attribute specifies the data format for the external value list in the MIME type syntax. Currently, only two formats are supported application/vnd.nineml.valuelist.text and application/vnd.nineml.valuelist.hdf5.

  • application/vnd.nineml.externalvaluearray.text - an ASCII text file with a single row of white-space separated column names, followed by arbitrarily many white-space separated data rows of numeric values. Each numeric value is associated with the column name corresponding to the same index the along the row. Therefore, the number of items in each row must be the same.
  • application/vnd.nineml.externalvaluearray.hdf5 - a HDF5 data file containing a single level of named members of array->float or array->int type.

ColumnName attribute

Each ExternalArrayValue must have a columnName attribute, which refers to a column header in the external data file.


Children Multiplicity Required
[Component,Reference] singleton yes

RandomDistributionValue elements represent arrays of values drawn from random distributions, which are defined by a Component elements. The size of the generated array is determined by the size of the container (i.e. Population or Projection) the RandomDistributionValue is nested within.



Attribute Type/Format Required
name identifier yes
Children Multiplicity Required
Size singleton yes
Cell singleton yes

A Population defines a set of dynamic components of the same class. The size of the set is specified by the Size element. The properties of the dynamic components are generated from value types, which can be constant across the population, randomly distributed or individually specified (see Values).

Name attribute

Each Population requires a name attribute, which should be a valid and uniquely identify the Population from all other elements in the document scope.


Children Multiplicity Required
[Component,Reference] singleton yes

The Cell element specifies the dynamic components that will make up the population. The Component can be defined inline or via a Reference element.


Body format Required
int yes

The number of cells in the population is specified by the integer provided in the body of the Size element. In future versions this may be extended to allow the size of a population to be derived from other features of the Population.


The text of the Size element contains an integer representing the size of the population.


Projections define the synaptic connectivity between two populations, the post-synaptic response of the connections, the plasticity rules that modulate the post-synaptic response and the transmission delays. Synaptic and plasticity dynamic components are created if the connection rule determines there is a connection between a particular source and destination cell pair. The synaptic and plasticity components are then connected to and from explicitly defined ports of the cell components in the source and projection populations

SingleValue and RandomDistributionValue elements used in properties of a projection (in the Connectivity, Response, Plasticity and Delay elements) take the size of the number of connections made. Explicitly array values, ArrayValue and ExternalArrayValue, are only permitted with connection rules (as defined by the Connectivity element) where the number of connections is predetermined (i.e. one-to-one, all-to-all and explicit). Explicit arrays are ordered by the indices

\[i_{\mathrm{value}} = i_{\mathrm{source}} * N_{\mathrm{dest}} + i_{\mathrm{dest}}\]

where \(i_{\mathrm{value}}\), \(i_{\mathrm{source}}\) and \(i_{\mathrm{dest}}\) are the indices of the array entry, and the source and destination cells respectively, and \(N_{\mathrm{dest}}\) is the size of the destination population. Value indices that do not correspond to connected pairs are omitted, and therefore the arrays are the same size as the number of connections.


Attribute Type/Format Required
name identifier yes
Children Multiplicity Required
Source singleton yes
Destination singleton yes
Connectivity singleton yes
Response singleton yes
Plasticity singleton no
Delay singleton yes

The Projection element contains all the elements that define a projection between two populations and should be uniquely identified in the scope of the document.

Name attribute

Each Projection requires a name attribute, which should be a valid and uniquely identify the Projection from all other elements in the document scope.


Children Multiplicity Required
Component singleton yes

Each Connectivity element contains a Component, which defines the connection pattern of the cells in the source population to cells in the destination population (i.e. binary ‘connected’ or ‘not connected’ decisions). For each connection that is specified, a synapse, consisting of a post-synaptic response and plasticity dynamic components, is created to model the synaptic interaction between the cells.


Children Multiplicity Required
[Component,Reference] singleton yes
FromDestination set no
FromPlasticity set no
FromResponse set no

The Source element specifies the pre-synaptic population or selection (see Selection) of the projection and all the port connections it receives. The source population is specified via a Reference element since it should not be defined within the Projection. The source population can receive incoming port connections from the post-synaptic response (see FromResponse), the plasticity rule (see FromPlasticity) or the post-synaptic population directly (see FromDestination). Connections with these ports are only made if the Connectivity_determines that the source and destination cells should be connected.


Children Multiplicity Required
[Component,Reference] singleton yes
FromSource set no
FromPlasticity set no
FromResponse set no

The Destination element specifies the post-synaptic or selection (see Selection) population of the projection and all the port connections it receives. The destination population is specified via a Reference element since it should not be defined within the Projection. The source population can receive incoming port connections from the post-synaptic response (see FromResponse), the plasticity rule (see FromPlasticity) or the pre-synaptic population directly (see FromSource). Connections with these ports are only made if the Connectivity_determines that the source and destination cells should be connected.


Children Multiplicity Required
[Component,Reference] singleton yes
FromSource set no
FromDestination set no
FromPlasticity set no

The Response defines the effect on the post-synaptic cell dynamics of an incoming synaptic input. The additional dynamics are defined by a Component element, which can be defined inline or referenced. For static connections (i.e. those without a Plasticity element), the magnitude of the response (i.e. synaptic weight) is typically passed as a property of the Response element.

The post-synaptic response dynamics can receive incoming port connections from the plasticity rule (see FromPlasticity) or the pre or post synaptic populations (see FromSource and FromDestination). The post-synaptic response object is implicitly created and connected to these ports if the Connectivity_determines that the source and destination cells should be connected.


Children Multiplicity Required
[Component,Reference] singleton yes
FromSource set no
FromDestination set no
FromResponse set no

The Plasticity element describes the dynamic processes that modulate the dynamics of the post-synaptic response, typically the magnitude of the response (see Response). If the synapse is not plastic the Plasticity element can be omitted.

The plasticity dynamics can receive incoming port connections from the post-synaptic response rule (see FromResponse) or the pre or post synaptic populations (see FromSource and FromDestination). The plasticity object is implicitly created and connected to these ports if the Connectivity_determines that the source and destination cells should be connected.


Attribute Type/Format Required
sender [AnalogSendPort,EventSendPort].name yes
receiver [AnalogReceivePort,EventReceivePort,AnalogReducePort].name yes

The FromSource element specifies a port connection to the projection component (either the destination cell, post-synaptic response or plasticity dynamics) inside which it is inserted from the source cell dynamics.

Sender attribute

Each FromSource element requires a sender attribute. This should refer to the name of a AnalogSendPort or EventSendPort in the Cell_of the source population. The transmission mode of the port (i.e. analog or event) should match that of the port referenced by the receiver attribute.

Receiver attribute

Each FromSource element requires a receiver attribute. This should refer to the name of a AnalogReceivePort, EventReceivePort or AnalogReducePort in the Component in the enclosing Source/Destination/Plasticity/Response element. The transmission mode of the port (i.e. analog or event) should match that of the port referenced by the sender attribute.


Attribute Type/Format Required
sender [AnalogSendPort,EventSendPort].name yes
receiver [AnalogReceivePort,EventReceivePort,AnalogReducePort].name yes

The FromDestination element specifies a port connection to the projection component (either the source cell, post-synaptic response or plasticity dynamics) inside which it is inserted from the destination cell dynamics.

Sender attribute

Each FromDestination element requires a sender attribute. This should refer to the name of a AnalogSendPort or EventSendPort in the Cell_of the source population. The transmission mode of the port (i.e. analog or event) should match that of the port referenced by the receiver attribute.

Receiver attribute

Each FromDestination element requires a receiver attribute. This should refer to the name of a AnalogReceivePort, EventReceivePort or AnalogReducePort in the Component in the enclosing Source/Destination/Plasticity/Response element. The transmission mode of the port (i.e. analog or event) should match that of the port referenced by the sender attribute.


Attribute Type/Format Required
sender [AnalogSendPort,EventSendPort].name yes
receiver [AnalogReceivePort,EventReceivePort,AnalogReducePort].name yes

The FromPlasticity element specifies a port connection to the projection component (either the source cell, destination cell or post-synaptic response dynamics) inside which it is inserted from the plasticity dynamics.

Sender attribute

Each FromPlasticity element requires a sender attribute. This should refer to the name of a AnalogSendPort or EventSendPort in the Cell->Component_ of the source population. The transmission mode of the port (i.e. analog or event) should match that of the port referenced by the receiver attribute.

Receiver attribute

Each FromPlasticity element requires a receiver attribute. This should refer to the name of a AnalogReceivePort, EventReceivePort or AnalogReducePort in the Component in the enclosing Source/Destination/ Plasticity/Response element. The transmission mode of the port (i.e. analog or event) should match that of the port referenced by the sender attribute.


Attribute Type/Format Required
sender [AnalogSendPort,EventSendPort].name yes
receiver [AnalogReceivePort,EventReceivePort,AnalogReducePort].name yes

The FromResponse element specifies a port connection to the projection component (either the source cell, destination cell or plasticity dynamics) inside which it is inserted from the post-synaptic response dynamics.

Sender attribute

Each FromResponse element requires a sender attribute. This should refer to the name of a AnalogSendPort or EventSendPort in the Cell->Component_ of the source population. The transmission mode of the port (i.e. analog or event) should match that of the port referenced by the receiver attribute.

Receiver attribute

Each FromResponse element requires a receiver attribute. This should refer to the name of a AnalogReceivePort, EventReceivePort or AnalogReducePort in the Component in the enclosing Source/Destination/ Plasticity/Response element. The transmission mode of the port (i.e. analog or event) should match that of the port referenced by the sender attribute.


Attribute Type/Format Required
units Unit.symbol yes
Children Multiplicity Required
[SingleValue,ArrayValue,ExternalArrayValue,RandomDistributionValue] singleton yes

In version 1.0, the Delay element specifies the delay between the pre-synaptic cell port and both the Plasticity_and Response. In future versions, it is planned to include the delay directly into the port-connection objects (i.e. FromSource, FromDestination, etc…) to allow finer control of the delay between the different components.

Units attribute

The units attribute specifies the units of the delay and should refer to the name of a Unit element in the document scope. The units should be temporal, i.e. have \(t=1\) and all other SI dimensions set to 0.

Selections: combining populations and subsets

Selections are designed to allow sub and super-sets of cell populations to be projected to/from other populations (or selections thereof). In version 1.0, the only supported operation is the concatenation of multiple populations into super-sets but in future versions it is planned to provide “slicing” operations to select sub sets of populations.


Attribute Type/Format Required
name identifier yes
Children Multiplicity Required
Concatenate singleton yes

The Selection element contains the operations that are used to select the cells to add to the selection.

Name attribute

Each Selection requires a name attribute, which should be a valid and uniquely identify the Selection from all other elements in the document scope.


Children Multiplicity Required
Item set yes

The Concatenate element is used to add populations to a selection. It contains a set of Item elements which reference the Population elements to be concatenated. The order of the Item elements does not effect the order of the concatenation, which is determined by the index attribute of the Item elements. The set of Item_@index attributes must be non-negative, contiguous, not contain any duplicates and contain the index 0 (i.e. \(i=0,\ldots,N-1\)).


Attribute Type/Format Required
index integer yes
Children Multiplicity Required
Reference([Population,Selection]) singleton yes

Each Item element references as a Population or Selection element and specifies their order in the concatenation.

Index attribute

Each Item requires a index attribute. This attribute specifies the order in which the Populations in the Selection are concatenated and thereby the indices of the cells within the combined Selection.


This preserves the order non-specific nature of elements in NineML